This is the pic I found on the internet..
Well, celeb nudy edition has the same size, but the color is a bit lighter and all the color has degree from 0 to 1000, depending on the stock. How cool is that??
btw, seriously.. new interface sucks to the max! they didn't give me any notice that my blog post exceed the limit..
and i thought that i've already save my blog post, but IT'S NOT! i LOST 1 blog post... imagine.. fucked up!![]()
Enough with the rant,

Which part of that looks like green???
So.... this is the picture of the lens itself..

This one look more like a green lens right???
This lens has a similarities with GEO nudy.. This lens has the same diameter with GEO super nudy, similar motive, but with lighter color.
For comparison, this is the GEO nudy green lens...

I think the GEO nudy green looks like a brighter green than celeb nudy green.. Maybe you can't really see from here, but it is.. So if you want to have a very green look, I will recommend GEO nudy green. But not all people can adapt their eyes to GEO lens, because I can't, and most of my friends can't too.. :(
I don't know why, GEO lens can only last for 2 hours when I wear them.. If I want to wear for more than that, I will have some problems like blur vision, dryness, itchy and etc etc...
But, you know.. not all people face the same problem. But, be careful when you use GEO lens. A lot of fake lens out there that might harm your eyes.....
Moving on the the pictures taken when I wore the lens...
Cam whore in

Btw, my nail is real nail.. no extension.. ![[[164481350318329]]](

And some picture under a bright sun light.. I know, I have a small monolid eyes.. :(

I don't like to take picture with flash.. Because in a real life, you don't flash around so that people can see that you are wearing lenses right?? This is review of how the lens will look when I wear them NORMALY...
And some picture under bathroom lighting...

Comfort 9/10
This lens is very comfortable.. I can wear them for like 10 hours with no problem. In Singapore, as a foreigner, I don't have a car. So I need to take train.. So I'm very lazy to go out.. So when I go out I will make sure that it's fun.. So I will went out for like 10 hours, which from the moment I step out of the door 'till I came back again.. So, a comfortable lens is very important to me..
Also, in movie theater the temperature is very cold because of the full air con room.. and this lens is still comfortable.. Not bad right??
Design 8.5/10 it made me look younger.. lol
I think the design is good. I like nudy lens design. It blend nicely with my natural eye color, which is black.. I think, other normal two tones lens they look a bit fake. Like sugar candy, pop c light, etc. There are some good two tones lens too though, like Kirakira, Jewel, etc. All of the will look nice, but that's also depends on the user. I think sugar candy lens look nice, but maybe not suitable for me.. You know..?
Back to the design, yes this design is good. It blends very well. But because of the color, the design of the lens become not visible.. But that's ok.. Maybe that's how it suppose to be..
The color didn't really shows up. Maybe that's how it suppose to be(?). But I still like it.. I like green lens.. that's why.. haha
I think this lens is suitable for those who have green eyes for their natural eye color(?), or maybe grey(?). I don't know. But I really think it will be good for them. Worth trying.. haha.. Because this lens didn't really enhance that much, maybe a little bit on the enlargement (it made me look younger! hahahaha). So if you already have a pretty eye color, you may want to try this.. ^^
Over all I would rate this 8/10
This is a good lens.. Worth buying.. It's very comfortable and it made me look younger.. The color is fine for me. I can take it s I bought a black lens, but the black can sometimes be my favorite color..
. Best of both world... ^^
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