This lenses were sponsored by Dolly Eyes.
Gothic tri tones green.. Hmp.. The name is kinda weird. lol.. But the lens itself look so nice.. :D My first impression of this lens is like the normal tri tones lens I guess, but the color of this tri tones lens is kinda thin. Here is the picture of the lens itself..

Tadaaaaaaa~ ^^
Does it look anything like a green lens? o.O
Anyway, this is the picture when I wore them..
Under a very bright sun light..

This is under a normal day light..
Cam whore time start in..
Please excuse the ugly photo.. I was sick.. :(

This lens is good for school because it's not that noticeable.. It did not enlarge anything because it's only 14mm.. really, it did not enlarge anything..
Under a dim lighting, it look kinda like a black lens.
Comfort wise, I don't know about others, but this lens has a manufacture problem, so the surface of the inner part of the lens is not smooth. I can feel that something is poking my eyes.. :(
I will recommend this lens for those who want an ordinary lens and natural looking.. It's a nice lens though, it's just that the color is not that vivid. I thought something must be good about this lens, because it's gothic tri tones. If you know what I mean...
Thank you for reading.. Feel free to leave a comment..
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