Saturday, March 3, 2012

MDIS open house (and help me win iPad2)

I have just finished my visit to the open house. Actually I did not go there just to visit, but I also went there to help my Student Council recruitment, helped to ushering the potential student to the payment counter. I also helped the school to do the campus tour for those who are interested. Here are some of the picture taken when I was enjoying myself in the MDIS open house..





Outfit of the day.. ♥ I need to wear the blue T-Shirt.. Because it's the MDIS student council T-Shirt. I like it though.. I also use Dolly+ red contact lenses with a voodoo doll.. haha.. My friend said that my theme is more like Halloween than going to open house..

Again, I got a few comment on my contact lenses. "your eyes looks so scary" This is the most common comment.. haha

See.. So many people.. :D

They came and ask questions about their inquiry and things regarding their course..

This is our task.. Lead the new registered student to the payment counter. It was not that hard if you think of it. But when you did the task for over and over again, it's quite tiring and take time. Because those new registered student they don't know anything.. We need to guide and give them information..

Dance club members are getting ready for their performance..

Dance club performance.. :D

Actually many parts of the school conducted an event.. but I did not have the chance to take picture of them.. Because as you know, me and my friend were very busy with our task.. :(

After the ushering, we got sooooooo tired that I asked for a new task and ask someone to replace me and my friend.. We got the campus tour task.. This was a bit easier.. I can eat, take picture and chit chat with the staff, and I got to seat! Phew~

Miss Sheila gave me this.. That was so nice of her..

This is Miss Sheila.. She is very kind, gentle and understanding.. She is a good helper.. :D

Camwhoring while slacking.. haha

After the campus tour, because no one were there for ushering (irresponsible asshole), me and my friend went back to take the task..

Actually I did not really enjoyed myself laa.. It was soooooo tiring.. The weather was damn hot, and then we need to stand for like 4 hours and ushering people, went back and forth from the programme inquiry station to payment counter, Student Service Unit, with high heels. Can you imagine that? Haha

Poor thing.. My friend's legs are so tired! :(

Anyway it was fun.. The crowd was more than I expected as I never heard of anyone talked about this except MDIS student. One of the staff told me that MDIS did it’s advertisement in news paper, and 2 radio stations. I was like, what? How come I don’t know?

So I told them that their advertisement method was not very effective. Because for a person like me, I did not read news paper, I did not listen to the radio. I know this open house because I’m a student of MDIS itself. Then the staff told me that I need to at least read from news paper. As an accounting student I need to know much information so that I can plan my strategies. I think it’s quite true laa.. if we don’t know, then we can't plan, then we don’t know what to do next.

Anyway, I want you guys to help me.. Help me like this photo in MDIS page and comment.. If I have enough like, I can win this iPad2.. haha

Click here and please help me like the photo and comment ok?


Help me pleaseeeeeeeee... LOL.. I’m desperate to win everyone...... haha

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