This time, this circle lens was purchased from Dreamie Chuppa, one of Indonesian seller. They supply a lot of things, ranged from beauty stuffs and personal care for your face till your legs. Definitely check her out!
Back to the review, I first got this lens was because of Dreamie's recommendation. She said this lens has the natural looking on eyes. So, I thought......... yah, why not? I'm looking for a natural looking grey lens too. By natural, I mean not freaky..
So, here is the pic of the lens itself.. ^^
Anyway, cut the bullshit, here are some pictures I took right after the swollen on my face reduced.. :'(

Does it look good?
I think it looks natural and not freaky..

I need to use make up to cover up all my swollen eyes and eye bag..
I'm using Peripera Lip Tint in Cherry Juicy!
I'm using Peripera Lip Tint in Cherry Juicy!

I think it's still noticeable even under a darker place, like inside a room.

Over all, I will rate this a 9/10
If you are looking for a grey lens in big diameter and natural looking, this lens is perfect! This lens is noticeable. I mean, of course people will know that I'm wearing lenses because my usual eye color is brownish black. But, this lens is not freaky.. It looks normal. I'm not gonna say it looks like a normal eyes, but it's normal enough to say that this lens looks natural. I like it.
Further, this lens is very comfortable. I wore it for my exam. My exam hall is very cold, no kidding. Yet, this lens stay comfortable. I really love it!
BUT! If you are looking for a natural looking lenses that is small in diameter, I don't think that you wanna try this lens. But you may want to try it. Because the definition of big and small is different from each person. ^^
I think this lens is like 15mm in diameter or something. I didn't measure it. But it has the enlarging effect..
Thank you for reading.. I love you guys!